




《蝴蝶梦2013》影片故事情节,跌宕起伏,扣人心弦,是一部值得越南剧迷们观看的绝佳影视作品。 头顶是交错而过的天线,分割着不明不暗的天空。云很低很低的浮动在狭长的天空上。铅灰色的断云,沿弄堂投下深浅交替的光影。中文名:蝴蝶梦导演: 伊尔玛兹·艾多甘编剧: 伊尔玛兹·艾多甘主演: 齐凡克·塔里图格 / 贝尔奇姆·比尔金 / 迈莱特·费拉特 / Farah Zeynep Abdullah / 伊尔玛兹·艾多甘类型: 剧情 / 爱情 / 传记 / 历史制片国家/地区: 土耳其语言: 土耳其语上映日期: 2013-02-22片长: 138分钟又名: Kelebegin Ruyasi / The Butterfly"s Dream / The Dream of a Butterfly / Kelebein RüyasIMDb链接: tt2608224蝴蝶梦的剧情简介 · · · · · ·  Last days of 1941 summer, the era of Obligation, during the famine atmosphere of the Second World War. In the middle of all this poverty and turmoil, there are two poets in their early twenties: Muzaffer Tayyip Uslu and Rustu Onur. They have been carrying tuberculosis germs in their lungs and love of poetry in their hearts for years. Two poets who have the constant habit of making bets on things that they do not own, make a bet on a beautiful girl. They will both write a poem for her and whichever Suzan likes, the other will fade from the scene..63402497影院免费提供,越南剧《蝴蝶梦2013》全集在线观看服务。


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